Secure Your Feed, Hay & Grazing Requirements – Well Managed Healthy Lucerne Country, Crop & Irrigation
767 Ha. 1,895 Ac.
• Convenient access, approximately 465 mm Rainfall district.
• Fenced to soil types, 44 main paddocks, raceways, rubble.
• Good balance open flats, appealing timber, fenced off rises with veldt grass.
• 315 Ha. Dryland Lucerne + 25 Ha. Centre Pivot for Seed & Hay, + Cropping.
• Good Water, 171 Meg Water Licence, scope to expand another site.
• Comfortable 3 b.r. Home, + office, 2 living areas, renovated bathroom & kitchen.
• Excellent Sheep Yards, robust Cattle yards, Shearing & Implement shedding.
• Well managed Lucerne based property, with scope to expand or diversify in good district.
Further details contact
Greg Window 0427 582 177
Ryan Llewellyn 0407 700 939